Client: Land Art Installation Festival In Yangchenghu

Date : 2016

Dimensions :
L 50 m
D 0.5 m
H 0.5 m

Description : No. 6 Mesh MS is a new installation by artists Zhoujie Zhang and Kunkun Chen. Inspired by natural beauty of Lotus Island, the piece is an undulating metallic river that flows through a field in the picturesque Yancheng Lake in Suzhou. Zhang wanted to leave the environment undisturbed, to create a man-made river that blends seamlessly with nature, without disrupting the environment. The 50-meter long installation is algorithmically composed to ambulate the natural movement of water, and expressed in triangular mesh surfaces. The metal river ripples in the sunlight and winds its way to a real river at the bottom of the hill. Faceted surface create dazzling reflections and take on different hues in response to its surrounding environment. It is a conversation in form, blurring fiction and reality. No. 6 Mesh MS will be featured at the Land Art Installation Festival in Yangcheng Lake, opening on September 23rd, 2016.